Insight to Outcomes
Insight to
Consulting to businesses that sell products &
services to the Federal IT market

Strategy & Capture Support for Businesses
At FedSmarts, LLC, we are dedicated to helping your business succeed in the Federal IT market.
We help you attain knowledge and insight into how the government buys and how the private industry sells information technology products and services in order to achieve successful business outcomes.
Strategy & Support
FedSmarts, LLC consulting offers deep insights into the Federal information technology market to help your business achieve its goals.
In addition, FedSmarts, LLC provides subject matter expertise and services to build productive DevOps cultures. We offer strategy and coaching support for agile software development, product line management, and cross-functional collaboration teams.
Cage Code: 8LWP3 DUNS: 117334059 NAICS: 541618, 541611, 541512, 541511, 541519
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